STEM Meetup

Have fun while making a difference!

Explore the intriguing STEM behind ordinary, everyday things like making ice cream or brewing beer. Enjoy appetizers and drinks in an interactive and unconventional networking event, all while making an impact on youth in STEM.

Next STEM Metup: March 2025

Past Events

March 21, 2024 - Ice Cream Mixer: A STEM Meetup guests participated in ice cream mixology at the STEM networking event, raising $3,000 to support fifteen 6th-10th grade students at STEM Future Leader Camp. A delicious experience for a good cause, brought to you in partnership with BRICS.

March 2, 2023 - The Science of Brewing Beer: A STEM Meetup guests enjoyed beer and appetizers and experienced a behind-the-scenes tour from the brewmaster at Guggman Haus Brewing at the STEM networking event, raising $2,000 to support STEM Field Trips for MSD Pike elementary students.