The STEM Connection is a non-profit corporation aimed at facilitating hands-on, minds-on, feet-on-the ground science, technology, engineering and math experiences at Moore Road Farm and other educational sites. The STEM Connection 30-acre outdoor learning site at Moore Road Farm is in the Traders Point Rural Historic District conveniently located on the northwest side of Indianapolis. The ecosystems of the farm include deciduous forest, Eagle Creek, fields of crops and a garden open for exploration and learning. Programming is built on the Indiana Academic Standards and is connected with ongoing conservation projects that honor the land and waterways of Indiana and seeks to grant access to those underrepresented in the STEM fields. The STEM Connection serves over 8,000 yearly.

Our Goals:

We want to break down stereotypes related to STEM, to challenge all children to be their best, and to provide meaningful learning opportunities which engage and encourage. 


  • Everyone Can Do STEM
  • Careers of the Future Will Incorporate STEM
  • STEM is FUN!!

Quality Control & Data Collection: 

The DoS – Dimensions of Success – tool is used to guarantee quality curriculum and programming. DoS defines twelve indicators of STEM program quality in out-of-school time and it was developed and studied with funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) by the Program in Education, Afterschool and Resiliency (PEAR), along with partners at Educational Testing Services (ETS) and Project Liftoff. Also, pre and post assessments are administered and program surveys are sent to participants to allow us to collect data and share the good work we do.